Shadow Hearts: Covenant, also known as Shadow Hearts II, is a role-playing video game developed by Nautilus and published by Aruze in Japan and Midway in rest of the countries in 2004. It is a direct continuation of Shadow Hearts; Its story starts a year and a half after Shadow Hearts in the midst of World War I. It focuses on Karin Koenig, a lieutenant in the German Army who assists in the exorcism of a man able to turn into demons, Yuri Volte Hyuga. However, after learning of Yuri's caring nature, Karin goes on a quest with him to save him from a spell inside him and are drawn into a conflict involving demons of demonolatry.
The game features two DVD-ROM discs instead of the usual one, which provides, according to the publisher, over forty hours of gameplay. The game received positive critical response by video game publications due to the improvements made to the game system. |