City of the Dead XBOX Rom

City of the Dead xbox download
Name: City of the Dead
Console: Xbox
Release Date:
Genres: Shooter, Horror, Zombie Film, Action, First-person Shooter
City of the Dead is a canceled first person shooter video game, based on George A. Romero's Dead Series of Zombie films. The game was intended for release on the PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC platforms, but no further details or announcements have been made about the game since its showing at E3 2005. It is presumed cancelled due to the financial constraints of publisher Hip Interactive. Originally announced in December 2004, it was due for release in March 2006.
Other XBOX Emulators To Play City of the Dead Rom
Emulator Console Platform FileSize Emulator
Cxbx for Xbox on Windows Cxbx Xbox Windows 0.129MB Download
Dxbx for Xbox on Windows Dxbx Xbox Windows 3.564MB Download
Xeon for Xbox on Windows Xeon Xbox Windows 0.9MB Download