Dragon Ball Z: Sagas PS2 Download

Dragon Ball Z: Sagas ps2 download
Name: Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
Console: Playstation 2 (PS2)
Release Date: 2005
Publisher: Atari, Atari, Inc.
Genres: Action-adventure, Action, Beat 'em up, Role-playing


Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is a 3D action-adventure video game developed by Avalanche Software and published by Atari, based on the anime Dragon Ball Z. It is the first Dragon Ball Z console game to be developed by a non-Japanese developer, and the first Dragon Ball Z game to be released on a non-Japanese console, the Xbox. It also ended up being the only Dragon Ball Z to be released on the Xbox, while the Japanese machines continued to get a steady stream of Dragon Ball related games, all of which are still made by Japanese developers.