How to Make a Stonecutter in Minecraft


The recipe of the stonecutter is available only in the version 1.14 and later, if you are on an older version, you will not be able to craft it.

Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and create their own virtual world. One of the features in the game is the ability to make a stonecutter, which is a block that can be used to craft certain types of blocks and items. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a stonecutter in Minecraft:

  1. Gather materials: To make a stonecutter, you'll need 3 stone slabs and 4 iron ingots. You can obtain stone slabs by using a pickaxe on smooth stone, and iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace.

  2. Open your crafting menu: Press the E key to open your inventory and crafting menu.

  3. Place materials in the crafting menu: In the crafting menu, place the 4 iron ingots in the corners of the crafting grid, and the 3 stone slabs in the center row.

  4. Craft the stonecutter: Once the materials are in the correct positions, you should see the stonecutter recipe appear in the result box. Press the craft button to make the stonecutter.

  5. Place the stonecutter: Once the stonecutter is crafted, it will appear in your inventory. To place the stonecutter, simply right-click on the block where you want to put it.

  6. Use the stonecutter: Once the stonecutter is placed, you can use it to craft certain types of blocks and items. To use the stonecutter, simply right-click on it and select the recipe you want to craft. The stonecutter can be used to craft stone bricks, stairs, slabs, and more.

By following these steps, you should now have a working stonecutter in your Minecraft world. The stonecutter is a useful block that can be used to craft various types of blocks and items, and it can be a great addition to any player's toolkit. 

TAGS: Howto Minecraft